a single step into the Middle of the World

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jan & Joe

Jan: Why do men have so much trouble with commitment?

Joe: Who has trouble?

Jan: A lot of men do!

Joe: How many is “a lot”?

Jan: Are you trying to irritate me?

Joe: No. I just think it’s an unfair question. You can’t simply lump men together
into this big blob.

Jan: I never said that men are a blob.

Joe: Why can’t women accept their age?

Jan: What!?

Joe: See? It’s annoying to be lumped together with countless others.

Jan: I was just saying that a lot of men find it difficult to commit to one person
and they have the wandering eye.

Joe: You never look at other men?

Jan: Sometimes.

Joe: See!?

Jan: I look at Chanel handbags but I don’t pursue the purchase of one.

Joe: I’m quite faithful my dear.

Jan: I know you are.

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