a single step into the Middle of the World

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Life

Now six weeks have gone by and no post from this old guy. I wonder and ask myself why. 

I get no answer.

Work has finally picked up with an entire house to work on....walls and more walls.

My client is three years younger than me and sold his business five years ago and retired.


Today is Sunday. Memorial Day weekend. Three days off without guilt.

I do some real work then get at the easel. The paint works itself and I am with it.

No one else is home. Skip James playing on the mac.

In my old age I'm starting to find color. Some painters have it easily....color. Not me.

I no longer care what people think about my work. The world's too jammed up. Too much of everything. Too much really good painting out there, if one takes the time to look.

Things are up for grabs and I like what I'm doing.

This one is wet. Just moved away from it. Finished? Maybe.

It's blazing hot and humid outside and the window a/c is humming along.

Soon a glass of wine. The order of things is not pre-determined.