a single step into the Middle of the World

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Driving New

Forty years of it for me.
Today I found myself once again in the passenger seat while my daughter drove us around on errands. She takes her test in two weeks. 
I was fairly calm today...actually enjoying not being the driver and not having to get my blood pressure elevated over potential problems coming from my left.
She did well. Again. It’s a relief.
Still, it’s driving. Cars. Today on the highway my “child” steering this machine through miles of madness and dimwits in oversized, overpriced, over-shiny vehicles talking on the phone while tailgating and speeding.
My girl taking the reigns. It’s scary as hell.
She does well. I pray she continues to do well and remain safe. 
Out there....
in the barbaric madness of the road.

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