Can’t we all just get along?
Can’t we turn state’s evidence into a giant Scrabble game?
Can’t we watch Andy Griffith reruns in a big group in front of a nice
crackling fireplace while eating popcorn?
Can’t we respect boundaries without giving time to jackasses?
Can’t we love life and this gorgeous planet without listening to Classic Rock at every moment of the day in every nook and cranny?
Can’t we love old things, regardless of their condition?
Can’t we get off our high horses about religion and politics and stop pretending that we really know what the hell is going on?
Can’t we enjoy things outside our own little comfort zone or at least give those
things the benefit of doubt and respect?
Can’t we stop believing that our own little “worlds” are somehow representative of
the entire cosmos?
Can’t we stop driving obscenely large vehicles and tail-gating everyone?
Can’t we give Jesus a break and let him rest in peace?
Can’t we be polite and kind to complete strangers?
Can’t we chill out?
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