My first car was a 1960-something Pontiac Catalina that I got from my father right before senior year in high school. It's color was somewhere between purple and the color of Pepto Bismol, only slightly darker. It had black leather seats, AM-FM radio, a 400 cubic-inch V8 engine, and - best of all - a black convertible top.
Since my school day ended at 1pm senior year, I was set to roll. This car was huge and fast and comfortable, especially for my psychologically unstable girlfriend who would freak out when large trucks went by.
I wasn’t allowed to have a car when I went away to college, trapped as I was in a crowded dormitory. I sold my beautiful boat to a guy named Gene who worked for my father. Gene was tall and rail-thin, usually wore a cap, smoked unfiltered cigarettes and smelled of alcohol. I remember one summer working for my dad and riding in a truck with Gene. He liked to stop at a place that sold sausage sandwiches. When we sat down to eat, I would watch in amazement as Gene opened a Coke bottle with his teeth.
The summer after I graduated from high school, I sold the convertible Pontiac to Gene for next to nothing because I had no way to store the thing and maintain it. Less than six months later, Gene crashed the purple beast and totaled it.
Four years later when I was home for the summer, I was hanging around with my cousin in front of his apartment that happened to be only a few minutes walk away from my house. Suddenly, a young girl came running up to us, obviously frightened to death. "Please hide me!!" she breathlessly pleaded to us. "He's going to kill me!".
We tried to convince her to go inside and hide upstairs but she ran off instead.
A while later my cousin and I were walking up the street to my house when a yellow Mustang came screeching to a halt and a
long-haired young guy asked us if we'd seen a yound blond girl running around the area. I recognized the guy with the crazed look on his face. It was Billy - Gene's son.
I lied and said I had not seen anyone and he sped off.
Later I would find out that Billy found his wife later that night and shot her dead. Somehow, he only served a year in prison.
Middletown justice.
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