Sleep is wonderfully weird. Is it our best glimpse into Death or simply a
way-station for the brain on its path into a new day?
Bed time is loved and it is feared. Anyone who has experienced Insomnia - put me on the list - will tell you how it can increasingly feed into an expanding dread of the whole night-time-sleeping experience. We often worsen things with alcoholic drink, or sugary snacks or exercise....all things that hinder the onset of sleep. Drugs for sleep come with many strings attached, not the least of which is a chemical hangover.
The private bedroom is the Sleep Chamber. It takes on our personality and it becomes a kind of vaguely unique setting for this unavoidable realm into which we must go on a daily basis. It is the stage on which we experience the extraordinary and metaphysical imaginings of the mind as it seemingly resets and rests and repositions itself for the future. It also appears to take stock of the past in ways that usually baffle and befuddle us and leave us wondering just what in the world these dreams are about.
The social and sexual side of the bedroom is another matter entirely. Sleep, that nightly bit of sweet lunacy, is something we all share, like eating and pissing.
I love the Sleep Chamber. It’s a private Club House wrapped in the universal womb. It is a place to wander without leaving; think and learn, with or without words to read. It’s a place to make decisions or just worry, pray somehow or make love or death or even nothing at all.
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