This is day one of this blog and I face the blank page with little fear because no one knows of its existence.
I have no agenda other than to try to make sense of things in my usual mixed up way, by means of words that, hopefully, might convey something of my experiences and observations of this world as seen from the middle.
I was born in a town called Middletown.
This town happens to be in Ohio, but there are Middletowns spread all over this vast country. The name itself might bring to mind something soaked in Americana, or quietly standing in for the solid values of the so-called Middle Class. It might sound a bit dull, or lacking in a strong identity of its own. That name: "Middletown". Middle of what? In the case of my birthplace, it is a small town located in the middle of Cincinnati and Dayton. But it could also evoke the middle-ground between this and that, between the high and the low, the common and the exceptional.
Is the middle-ground always a place where compromise rules? Where things are neither allowed to reach their soaring pinnacle nor languish from lack of attention? Is it a kind of limbo?
I was born the middle child of three children, all born in Middletown. We were all born four years apart. I was born on October 13 just a couple of minutes before midnight on a night when the moon was full. I don't know how much I believe in astrology but I am a Libran and much of my personality conforms to the usual descriptions of this sign. Part of this is the idea of being a mediator, one who tries to bring opposing sides together...in the middle.
I am no genius. Neither am I an idiot. I exist somewhere in between, with occasional rises and falls in either direction.
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